On Having Borderline Personality Disorder:
10 Things You Discover About Your Crazy Self
You must meet 5 out of 9 criteria to be diagnosed with
Borderline Personality Disorder:
efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or
self-mutilating behavior covered in (5).
pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by
alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. This is called
disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex,
substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal
or self-mutilating behavior covered in (5).
suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior.
instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic
dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely
more than a few days).
feelings of emptiness.
intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of
temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms.
1. People
will not understand you. Or your diagnosis. If you tell a friend you have
Borderline Personality Disorder, I guarantee that, if they’re not a psych major
or a fellow member of the Krazy Klub, they’ll mention “Girl, Interrupted,” Jodi
Arias, or that football guy. I’ve even heard, “Oh… like Glenn Close from Fatal
Attraction?” And they step away from you ever-so-slowly. Hell no. Just because
we have BPD does not mean we are inherently evil, future murderers, or out to get
you, my pretties, and your sexy boyfriends, too! The media, medical community,
and even the very researchers that have written about BPD have contributed to
the negative stigma attached to the Borderline diagnosis. Most of this is
fueled by misinformation. What most people don’t realize about people with BPD
is that above all else, we just want to be loved, understood, and respected. We
want to be happy and healthy, just like the rest of you freaks.
2. What
feels right at first is usually wrong, wrong, wrong. Your natural reactions
to stressful events tend to exacerbate the stress of that event. Borderlines
often feel the most extreme version of a feeling. A fight with the bf/gf can
almost instantly send you into a head-exploding rage or a major, debilitating
depression – either he/she is the Anti-Christ / Torturer of You 4Ever / User
& Abuser Extraordinaire, or you
just destroyed the best and only relationship your sorry ass will ever have and
omghowfuckingstupidareyou and you’re
never going to find someone that loved you the way that he/she loved you and so
you have no reason to live and maybe you should just text them and ask them to forgive
you-- pleasepleasepleaseOMGyou’lldoANYTHING!
It’s okay to feel extremely. It’s not okay to recklessly act on those extreme
feelings. Certain therapies (CBT, DBT) are great for identifying and
extinguishing chaotic, seemingly uncontrollable emotions when they arise before
they cause you to use That-Professor-Who-Criticized-You’s email address to sign
them up for a tentacle porn website’s email updates or tell a good friend who
forgot your birthday that it’s fine, really, you knew they didn’t give a shit
about you anyway.
you’re the villain. After finding out you have BPD, it’s necessary to
review your life, particularly those times when you felt wronged. Some of those
“So-and-So fucked me over royally” moments from your past suddenly seem to have
new meaning. The first time it happened to me, it felt like when a game-changing
piece of evidence surfaced on a Law & Order episode and the whole nature of
the crime had consequently changed. Except I was both the unknowing audience and the criminal the audience had never
Did my best friend actually betray me by calling the cops after I told her I was suicidally depressed in order to get her attention, or was she genuinely concerned for my life and did what she thought was best? Did my boyfriend really break up with me because he never cared about me, never loved me, and always hated me, or was it because I drove him away with my incessant accusations fueled by the fear of those accusations being true?
These new realizations about some of the most painful moments in your life can be bitter pills to swallow, but those pills are the medicine that will help you get better.
Did my best friend actually betray me by calling the cops after I told her I was suicidally depressed in order to get her attention, or was she genuinely concerned for my life and did what she thought was best? Did my boyfriend really break up with me because he never cared about me, never loved me, and always hated me, or was it because I drove him away with my incessant accusations fueled by the fear of those accusations being true?
These new realizations about some of the most painful moments in your life can be bitter pills to swallow, but those pills are the medicine that will help you get better.
4. You have
a love/hate relationship with your diagnosis. Your life has most likely
been, well, hellish. Finally knowing what your role is in the insufferable pain
you feel (and sometimes cause) can be a massive relief. One of the most helpful
practices for improving your life after you’ve been accurately diagnosed is consistent
therapy with a professional you trust and to be 100% honest with them about
your life. That can be super fucking hard to do at first. Therapy flipped my
whole shit upside down. I used to truly, madly, deeply believe that I was the
victim in almost every situation, completely justified in taking from someone
who I thought didn’t deserve what I wanted, and I felt it was normal to
constantly require praise because that was how I’d learned to value myself as a
human being.
After years of therapy, when I find myself daydreaming about that cute-ass bartender I’ve had a couple dates with and suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to text him a craaaazy amount of times just to reassure myself that he’s still into me and I’m still worthy of being liked, I am able to stop myself. As a teenager, that was nearly impossible. Now I can catch myself before I let the batshit-bullshit torpedo out of my brain and subsequently scare people away that I’m trying to befriend or love. Once you recognize that a thought or behavior is a manifestation of your disorder and not how you actually want to act/feel/think, it’s easier to be in get your shit together.
After years of therapy, when I find myself daydreaming about that cute-ass bartender I’ve had a couple dates with and suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to text him a craaaazy amount of times just to reassure myself that he’s still into me and I’m still worthy of being liked, I am able to stop myself. As a teenager, that was nearly impossible. Now I can catch myself before I let the batshit-bullshit torpedo out of my brain and subsequently scare people away that I’m trying to befriend or love. Once you recognize that a thought or behavior is a manifestation of your disorder and not how you actually want to act/feel/think, it’s easier to be in get your shit together.
5. You’ve
got some extra baggage. Statistically, you’re more likely to also be an
alcoholic, cutter, habitual shoplifter, gambler, pill-popper, frequent
overdrafter, Adderall sniffer, reckless driver, dope-copper, or compulsive
woo-hoo’er. You’re more likely to eat way too much, way too little, or be an
active member of the double-finger diet club like I was for a near-decade.
Many of us are hard-wired for impulsivity; we experience intense, unbearable emotions and have—err—differently-abled “stop and go” receptors in our brains that are fucking terrible at their job, which is to remind us about things like how binge-drinking at a party where you don’t know anyone will make you feel less anxious in the short term, until you get so shit-canned that you become “That Hot Mess at that Party Last Night” and you don’t remember what you did or who you backed dat ass up on or when that humiliating Facebook photo was taken or why the hell you now have two mismatched black boots that are clearly different brands, sizes, and styles.
The most detrimental aspect of this impulsivity is that we consistently fail to remember what happens when the chase ends and we’re left feeling even lower and emptier than ever. The desire for pleasure becomes even more enthralling in this state. And so, the chase becomes cyclical and has no end. This is the biggest complication in getting better. Most Borderlines who committed suicide had a longstanding addiction they were unable to shake. Programs like AA and NA can be quite therapeutic for Borderlines because they’re so inclusive, saccharinely positive about living one day at a time, the meetings are run by a familiar set of routines, and the program itself offers a set of principles by which you can live until you get healthier and feel enough strength and conviction to develop your own.
Many of us are hard-wired for impulsivity; we experience intense, unbearable emotions and have—err—differently-abled “stop and go” receptors in our brains that are fucking terrible at their job, which is to remind us about things like how binge-drinking at a party where you don’t know anyone will make you feel less anxious in the short term, until you get so shit-canned that you become “That Hot Mess at that Party Last Night” and you don’t remember what you did or who you backed dat ass up on or when that humiliating Facebook photo was taken or why the hell you now have two mismatched black boots that are clearly different brands, sizes, and styles.
The most detrimental aspect of this impulsivity is that we consistently fail to remember what happens when the chase ends and we’re left feeling even lower and emptier than ever. The desire for pleasure becomes even more enthralling in this state. And so, the chase becomes cyclical and has no end. This is the biggest complication in getting better. Most Borderlines who committed suicide had a longstanding addiction they were unable to shake. Programs like AA and NA can be quite therapeutic for Borderlines because they’re so inclusive, saccharinely positive about living one day at a time, the meetings are run by a familiar set of routines, and the program itself offers a set of principles by which you can live until you get healthier and feel enough strength and conviction to develop your own.
6. It’s not
your fault! Most folks are under the impression that “personality disorder”
is just headshrinker jargon for “shitty person.” People tend to equate
personality with identity. Rah, rah, rah, if the problem’s with your
personality, then it must be a choice! Right? No, not really. Or at all. There
are many different players in the development of BPD. Research suggests that it
can be attributed to both biological factors and your shitty-ass childhood. Nature and nurture double-teamed us.
And it hurts. Biologically, genetics, neurobiological factors, and
irregularities in certain areas of the brain can all contribute to the
development of BPD in a child. A good 65% of us with BPD have a mother or
father who also has it.
Hint: It’s probably the one you both calls you and fights with you the most.
A lot of us were abused as kids. A lot of us had at least one parent who continuously shamed us for expressing emotions. A lot of us never had a stable parental figure that we could rely on to be there and not disappear. These are all things that can drive identity disturbance, fear of abandonment, emotional extremes, “splitting”, etc.
Hint: It’s probably the one you both calls you and fights with you the most.
A lot of us were abused as kids. A lot of us had at least one parent who continuously shamed us for expressing emotions. A lot of us never had a stable parental figure that we could rely on to be there and not disappear. These are all things that can drive identity disturbance, fear of abandonment, emotional extremes, “splitting”, etc.
I’m not saying any of this shit is an
excuse to act out, however. Just because it’s not our fault that we have this
disorder does not mean we are not
responsible for our actions, especially when they hurt others or ourselves. Living
with BPD means having to evaluate your intentions, feelings, and actions on a
regular basis until the healthy ways become the natural ways.
7. You’re
interesting and exciting to others. If there exists any kind of “upside” to
the behaviors I described above, it could be that to those we meet for the
first time, we often exude a mysterious passion and insatiable lust for life that
both men and women find pretty alluring. Most high-functioning Borderlines I’ve
met have been intelligent, artistic, and overwhelmingly charming, despite their
issues. We can be some of the most entertaining people at parties. We’ve got
some of the best stories because we’ve experienced some crazy shit and the
attention of a crowd fuels our performance of such stories. People tend to be
drawn to us, entertained by us, romanced by us. Our [American] culture has glamorized
being whimsically impulsive, thrill-seeking, and acutely intuitive, e.g. the “Manic
Pixie Dream Girl” craze. Most artistic muses I’ve met and read about exhibit a
number of Borderline traits. There’s just something arresting about our oceanic
moods, lust for pleasure, and that dreamy way in which we drift with obstinacy
from genre to genre, scene to scene, person to person, desperately searching
for who we really are.
Tell me that isn’t romantic as hell.
Tell me that isn’t romantic as hell.
8. You’re crazy
in bed. Alright, alright. This is purely
a theory I have based on all the Borderlines I’ve known personally, my own
experiences, and research. Maybe the old wives’ tale is true: insecure girls are
just good in the sack. Why, you ask? We have an insatiable desire to please
those who want to please us, we’re eerily intuitive (particularly if we grew up
in scary and/or unpredictable households wherein we had to figure out how to
act all the time to avoid explosive conflict), and some of us have some serious
Daddy/Mommy/Authority issues, which can certainly make for, well, interesting sex. The finely-tuned
Borderline intuition is an example of what I like to call a “mental illness
gift” that can be used for good or evil. It’s what can make us good at
manipulation, invalidation, or thought policing. But it can also be used to
pick up on how your loved ones are feeling even if they’re trying to hide it,
be insanely good at gift-giving, know intrinsically how to act around different
people, and decipher exactly what it is that makes your lover tick sexually.
9. Your best
friend/partner is one strong motherfucker. You have both preciously loved
and vehemently hated them. You’ve probably accused them of not caring about you
and maybe even caused a fight based on your feelings, not fact. One
particularly damaging feature of BPD is what’s called “splitting,” which is
when you alternate between idealizing and devaluing a person. Way more often
than not, you don’t even know you’re doing it and it can occur over anything from
a full-on blowout to a perceived slight, regardless of the other person’s true
intentions. For me, I tend to experience splitting with the people I care about
most and have the greatest fear of losing. The intense Borderline fear of being
abandoned by someone you love can drive you to both obsess over their
involvement in your life and also push them away in response to perceived or
anticipated rejection. My favorite BPD book is appropriately called, “I Hate
You, Don’t Leave Me,” and the title, though a little cheesebally, accurately
describes how splitting feels. You both love the person for the fuzzy feelings
that the close relationship fosters and hate them for the equally unfuzzy and
scary feelings that losing that close relationship provokes.
10. You
are also one strong motherfucker. Having BPD pretty much guarantees you a
rough time in maintaining healthy, stable relationships, regulating your
emotions, reacting to stress, subduing your impulsive whims, and remembering
who you are and what you value at all times. It’s a hard disorder to live with.
But it gets easier with the more awareness you have about yourself and the more
willing you are to act in healthy ways, despite how it goes against everything
that comes naturally to you. It gets better, Borderlines! And then it gets
worse. But then it gets better again! And so on, until you’ve got a firm grasp
on identifying the BPD parts of your personality and knowing how to use what
you know to be the best person you can be. Because honestly, that’s how we’re
going to successfully love someone healthily and be loved back, to give respect
and be respected, to understand and be understood. As a person with Borderline
Personality Disorder, I spent most of my life feeling like the weary captain of
a damaged ship, trying to stay afloat in a treacherous storm. I spent years
wallowing in despair about my situation instead of working to save myself from
myself. If you have BPD, you’ve probably unknowingly spent your life trying to
get others to save you, but this simply isn’t possible. Please remember: yes, the
storm within you is raging, chaotic, and seemingly endless, but all you must do
is hold on and navigate your way out of the storm. A happy, healthy life does
exist beyond.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate what you had to say about BPD on thought catalog. I, too, suffer from this. It's been one hell of a ride so far. It's a scary thing coming to terms with this diagnosis and taking the plunge with getting help.
I was wondering if there was a way to contact you off the site, if you're comfortable? I'd love to be able to get your input on therapy, and how it went for you.
This is brilliant! I'm so glad I found this, and I love the way you write. You're so honest and ingenuous it's super refreshing. I have BPD and so does one of my closest friends (we refer to it as 'being border') and I can relate to this so much. And your other posts. So yeah please keep writing awesome stuff and I'll keep reading :)